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Business for Humanity with Christian Felber - Economy for the Common Good!
Apr 192024
THERE IS NO DENIAL: CAPITALISM IS IN CRISIS! Our prevailing economic model, once celebrated as a beacon of liberal enlightenment, now stands accused of complicity in a myriad of societal challenges, resulting in unprecedented ecological and social damage. Deep anxiety permeates society, fuelled by profound concerns about the state of the world and a growing disillusionment with the dominant narrative of progress. Yet, most people still operate within the implicit acceptance of growth-based consumer capitalism and current policy proposals continue to fall short. Despite the pioneering efforts of many individuals and groups, heterodox perspectives continue to be overlooked by many business schools and leadership development programs. BUSINESS FOR HUMANITY That is why we are launching "Business for Humanity" - a series of interactive monthly webcasts dedicated to promoting viable enhancements and alternatives to our economic system. Our live sessions aim to nurture comparative and integrative discussion, in order to foster deeper understanding and inspire tangible actions. Together with our engaged audience, we'll systematically explore the underlying premises, shed light on practical implications, and unveil the strengths and weaknesses of innovative paradigms. Whether you're a researcher or practitioner, these sessions will promise valuable insights and inspiration for a collective new narrative. BUSINESS FOR HUMANITY WITH CHRISTIAN FELBER Join us for an exclusive interview with Christian Felber, visionary founder of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG)! In this episode, we'll explore how the ECG offers a transformative framework for economic and social change, grounded in democratic values, sustainability, and solidarity. Discover how collaborative action and institutional innovation are reshaping the economy to serve the well-being of all individuals and communities, fostering a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. We'll delve into the values and beliefs driving the ECG's ethos, the intricacies of political and economic institutions needed to transform a capitalistic incentive system focused on growth and individual profit, including the concept of a cooperative market economy and the radical reformation of finance and banking. The ECG's approach is not only distinguished by its sophisticated theoretical foundations but also by its proven operational success. With over 4500 members worldwide, this movement stands as a beacon of hope for positive change on a global scale! Don't miss a memorable conversation that promises new insights and inspiration! [ABOUT CHRISTIAN FELBER] Christian Felber has enjoyed a distinguished academic career, teaching at various renowned universities since 2008, including the Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Graz, and University of Applied Arts in Vienna, earning a teaching prize from the University of Graz in 2013 and becoming a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam in 2018. Christian is perhaps best known for his activism and political efforts, co-founding organizations like Attac Austria in 2000 and the Movement Foundation Austria in 2009, which supported initiatives like the Democratic Bank and Economy for the Common Good. Christian is a prolific author with 15 books to his name, including bestsellers translated into 15 languages. JOIN THE BUSINESS FOR HUMANITY WEBCASTS Further information, event details, materials and registration: All the details about the session with Christian Felber, including links to resources, books, and the community discussion: ABOUT THE GLOBAL SOCIETY FOR GOOD LEADERSHIP The Global Society for Good Leadership is part of a pro bono initiative of “engaged scholarship" in partnership with the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (a Top 5 European Business School). Our aim is to inspire the ethical transformation of organisations, by researching, revising and reforming standards and best practices for responsible business governance and management, as well as leadership education. #transformation #goodorganisations #businessforhumanity #capitalism #business #leadership #csr #wef #grli #leadersforhumanity #globalleadershipsociety #goodleadership #ECG

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